There is no greater responsibility in life than raising children, and the first, perhaps most important, action parents can take in training them up is to love each other. Modeling love in front of them, through good times and bad, has a tremendous positive influence.
Better known as Chili, Noah Cochran is a young southern man and exceptional ultramarathon runner who works with the @3of7Project, leading missions in the backcountry, co-hosting the 3 of 7 Podcast, and engaging with the community in many other ways. He is also a bachelor.
Why in the world would a single young man, who’s never been married, be fit to interview about marriage? Because his parents have emulated a selfless, loving relationship that, growing up, he knew was special. He saw his parents live out the type of marriage we all hope to have when we recite our wedding vows.
This conversation is from the viewpoint of someone who grew up thankful for the parents he has and might just be the most important perspective from which we look at marriage. If you have children, or want to have children someday, he offers an invaluable viewpoint. And if you’re single, Noah offers some wise and prudent perspectives on dating.
Show highlights:
Why a single guy is on a marriage podcast
Being selfless
Choosing family first
Fighting vs. Disagreeing
Being patient as a single person
How your marriage effects your children
The impact family has on culture
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