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016: COACH KURT HINES | Faith, Family...Football

It is difficult to think of a more challenging job, with the tremendous time demand and constant pressure to perform, than that of a head football coach. The number of families destroyed because husbands and fathers spend all their time coaching is heartbreaking. Yet, it seems the only way to succeed in that career is to dedicate your entire life to it.

Coach Kurt Hines is currently the head football coach at Coronado High School in California and has been a successful high school football coach for twenty-five years. He has won multiple championships and was the 2012 Head Football Coach of the Year. And he has done it on his terms.

In our conversation, Coach Hines shares why and how he has kept his faith and family as his top priorities throughout his career. He is a man who knows exactly who he is, stands for what he believes, and is relentlessly unwavering in pursuit of the life he is meant to live.

Show highlights:

  • Mentality of coaching football

  • How to transition from the intensity of the football field to home life

  • The greater purpose of love

  • Keeping faith at the forefront throughout the entire day

  • The decision to choose family over football

  • The importance of having a strong “why” in life

  • Why he does not hold coaches’ meetings on Sunday

  • The value of emphasizing the wedding ring over a championship ring

Where to find Coach Hines:

Ultra Marriage Resources



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